Tag Archives: vintage records

I would buy this stuff in a hot second.

I have been asked on NUMEROUS occasions where I got my “vintage” record player.  First off, it isnt authentic vintage (although it looks very close).  My ultra cool friend, Mary, bought it for me (and an ELVIS record) for Christmas several years ago.  It’s a CROSLEY and they used to carry them at TARGET.  No more, sadly.  So, when I saw that they are doing a special sale at Urban Outfitters for them…..I screamed.  I love the one they are offering.  Not quite as much as mine, but it is ULTRA awesome.  If you have EVER considered having a record player, please do yourself (and kids, hubby, dog, goldfish) a favor and get one.  You will never regret the cool, smooth sounds that it produces.  Seriously.  Buy it.  Seriously.


I just found one of these at a garage sale and they are offering a newer one at Urban.  It’s hot.  And its just cool to send a typed letter.  


And finally.  Completely unrealted than the previous two…..but you seriously need to go to:


I don’t even really like wings.  But, holy.wings.batman.

They are good.


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