tuesday light.

Apparently, Monday has rolled into Tuesday. We are going to run a few errands today and then do some arts and crafts this afternoon (thank you, DOLLAR TREE), but the day (much like this week) is going to be CHILL.  I’m all about it these days.  No pressure, relaxing and just calm.  So…this is an edition of Tuesday Light.  Please excuse the list.

*First of all…..Thank you, Dollar Tree.  For making my daughter the happiest kid in the world.




*This was what I made from one of the fabrics.  A skirt for my sister in law.  I already need to change a few things I did, but it turned out pretty good, overall.  I am going to make another for myself during naptime today!



Im going to use this fabric by Alexander Henry:


*I was going to write a whole bunch about our generation and spending.  Alot about how we are all being forced (Which is a GOOD thing, IMO) to re-think the way we look at spending.  But I’m not feeling like constructing a long post right now (want to get out to the pool)….but I still am curious….

How do you save money for your family? 


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14 responses to “tuesday light.

  1. The skirt is so cute! I love the addition of the flower, great job! I try to save money by making my own bread, eating at home, filling up a reusable water bottle rather than buying lots of plastic ones, grow my own food and other small things that add up!

  2. Vicki

    I am so happy to hear that someone else is just chilling. I have been reserving my afternoons for knitting, reading, and I do squeeze a small nap in too.

  3. Love the skirt and the fabric for yours!

    Coupons! I also stock up during big sales, follow money saving blogs, make my own baby food and go to garage sales – my favorite!

  4. Dad

    Several keys……1) I don’t carry any money….therefore no temptation. Even having nothing when the candy or coffee urge hits in the afternoon saves a dollar….adds up very quickly and allows us to really spend something when we want to or to vacaation when we need to get away. 2)Plan and make dinners that stretch into several days of yummy treats…..buy a broiled chicken for $6.00…..eat some for dinner….the next afternoon, boil off the remaining meat, pull out all of the bones and load up with all sorts of veggies, potatoes etc. and you have a loaded bowl of chicken soup that caan turn into 5 meals….total cost can’t be over $11 or $12…..and each day as it simmers it gets better, 3)Don’t let anything go to waste….everything gets used in the fridge!! Before you make anything new or buy aanything, finish what is there….ok, now I am hungry:):)

  5. Oh my goodness!!! that skirt is too cute!!! and I LOVE the lemon fabric!
    I cook almost all our meals…using mainly fresh foods , as you know I create most of my gifts…and for fun we do simple together (creative) things like…i.e.- movie night at home with a popcorn “bar”, set out different toppings (like salts, spices, even cinnamon and sugar)let the kiddos choose their toppings, sit on a blanket and watch a “family” movie!
    I loved your Dad’s hints! 🙂

  6. Thanks for the skirt!!! It’s so cute and VERY comfortable!

    I wish I had more tips on saving money – we try to eat less take-out/fast food, and I can tell that’s making a difference. Other than that I’m out of tips…

  7. Janelle

    how do i get on the “make me a skirt please” list?

    for saving: i always get generic brands of items…. i’m pretty sure ralphs diced tomatos taste just the same as hunts….ralphs sugar just the same as C&H…and if you’re making chicken teriyaki – ralphs canned pineapple tastes just as good as fresh and is easier clean up.

    however – I refuse to go generic on Coffeemate french vanilla creamer… got to have some splurges right? 😉

  8. Super cute skirt! The lemon fabric is one of my favorites…I’m hoarding several yards, unable to cut into it. Typical.

    My best money saving tips…don’t shop, match coupons with sales, eat out of the pantry, but really the number one thing we did was to enroll in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at our church. Getting out of debt has saved us the most!

  9. Cute skirt!! Loving that lemon fabric too, I need to get some of that.. wait.. weren’t you just asking how we save money?? Stay away from the internet. I bet if I disconnected myself from the computer for a month, we would save a TON. And, don’t ever ever go to Costco or any of those big warehouse stores. They kill you every time ($400!) Yep.. those are my tips. Oh, and you could keep me tied up in my house to avoid spending money too. Take away my car. I could go on and on…

  10. thrift shops and yard sales! gardening! waiting 48 hours before BIG purchases to ensure we still “need” it (we most often don’t)! bartering!

  11. Mary L

    hmmm..I save money by buying things, returning them, and then buying more things with the free money I got! And by eating at home, planning meals ahead, using up the leftovers of the week on homemade pizza night, and by trying not to gas up on the weekends when it’s more expensive. I never say no to an invitation to go to garage/estate sales and always accept hand-me-downs for little Alice with a big thank you!

  12. andrea

    I was thinking of you today, because I was canning applesauce from the apple tree in our backyard, and I thought, this is the kind of thing that Rachel would like to do! Then I see your question about saving money, so I just had to answer. So far I have made 24 jars and have about 8-10 to go. I’ve had the jars and re-used them since the ’70’s when I first learned to can. Just have to buy new tops, and I’m good to go!

  13. Love the skirt AND that lemon fabric!
    Saving money… it’s hard with kids when they start to get older. But libraries, meal planning, shopping at a smaller grocery store (less temptaions), and staying out of the mall as much as possible helps! Yard sales too– you know me, and I know you 🙂

  14. Pingback: Frugal Francine’s Domestic Challenge #1 « no. 17 cherry tree lane

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